Camp United We Stand issued a call to Kirkland service clubs for help moving the camp hosted in Kirkland these past three months by Kirkland Congregational Church of Christ at 106 5th Ave. Camp United needed funding and volunteers for a scheduled November 4 camp relocation. In particular, Rotary was asked for help with moving costs for the camp's portable kitchen, which was designed and built over several months by some youth with Sawhorse Revolution. The kitchen was designed to fold up with refrigerators inside and slide onto a flatbed truck to move to the next camp site, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Shoreline at 722 N. 145th St.
Thank you to Kirkland Rotarians who stepped forward to provide $400 of the $500-plus the kitchen move was expected to cost. Dr. Bill Leon, a board member with Camp United We Stand, offered a note of thanks to the club, and also wants the community to know the people and staff in Kirkland and especially Rev. Ryan and his congregation at the Congregational Church of Christ have been very welcoming and supportive of the camp and they really appreciate it. In his request, Dr. Leon noted, "Homelessness often seems like an intractable problem, but by helping a few people at a time in practical ways, CUWS has found ways to make life a little better for up to 35 people at a time. If you can help us exit smoothly, that would be an added blessing."