The November 26, 2012 Kirkland Roatary meeting was called to order at 6:30PM by President Patti Smith.  Scott Becker led us in the Pledge.  She thanked Jason Overlease for being the club greeter and John Woodbery for scribing.

Visitors and guests included : Student of the Month Thomas Lewis from Juanita High School and his parents Heidi and Jesse Lewis. Sally Ryan was a first time guest of member Scott Radke and Bob Cohen had return for a second visit as his guest.


  • Steve Shinstrom circulated his list for volunteer greeters and scribes.
  • Don Dixon announce that the end of November is the last time for matching credits for Rotary Foundation Paul Harris accounts. The club was reminded for a “happy hour” event this Thursday at Hectors from 4-7:00PM. Bring new member prospects.
  • Pat Swenson announced that purchases of books at Barnes and Nobles through the end of the year will create donations for Rotary’s charitable efforts. It wasn’t made clear how that works. There will be gift wrapping at the John Muir Library on December 13th and 19th so check with Pat Swenson as to details and time.
  • Dave DeBois announced that Christmas gifts for needy families from the John Muir population is coming up soon. The club will donate $150.00 to each selected family to meet needs. He also announced a tree lighting ceremony by the Kirkland Down Town Association on December 1st from 4-8:00PM.
  • Scott Becker announced that we need to get an early start on Duck Dash Sponsors of $500.00 or more. Jerry Campo reminded everyone of the Holiday (Christmas, to me) Party at Lucinda’s this Sunday at 6:00PM in Kirkland. Sign up and pay ($60.00 each) right away to get a place reserved.
  • Jerry Campo announced the Apple Cup board winners as: 1st Quarter Jerry Campo; 2nd Quarter, believe it or not John Pruit; 3rd Quarter Neil Johnson and the game ender Scott Radke. $250.00 goes to Rotary from the effort.

Thomas Lewis presented his memories and thoughts as student of the month. He found Rotary an expanded adult experience. His future plans are to major in biology (just applied to UW) and try for medical school with a specialty in internal medicine. His senior year has been busy as President of the Spanish Club and Treasurer of the Honor Society, a time consuming activity. He admires Rotary for its service over self and has the same model for his own life. He likes science but also likes to help people so that is why he wants to be a Doctor.

Patti Smith introduced our program by David Ramsey and Sue Keller for a nonprofit called “The Time Bank”. The way it works is you donate your time and skill (whatever it is from rocket science to Christmas decorating) and get credits in the bank for help in the area of your need. Every hour is the same regardless of the skill level. The program is approximately 30 years old and started on the east coast. It is functioning in 40 states and 34 countries so far. Sue Keller said it was like the Four Way Test of Rotary with a benefit to all and promotes sharing and caring within the community. Locally it started in Kirkland and has spread to Bellevue with Issaquah and Mercer Island also interested. They use background checks for everyone’s safety. Kathy Feek serves on his board. It is a member system with currently 150 signed up in Kirkland. For more information go online at . The book Moby Dick was donated in their name to the John Muir Library and signed by our speakers.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30PM. Members were reminded no meeting on 12/3, 12/24 or 12/31.

John E. Woodbery, Scribe