Jan 23, 2023 6:40 PM
Katie Munoz
Pitch perfect: learn how to make your marketing messages entertaining
Do you hate being salesy but need to promote your business? Learn how to make your marketing messages entertaining. In this workshop, we’ll craft a funny pitch using 3½ Rules of Humor, 4 Questions to Craft Your Pitch Story, and The One Thing that Makes Something Funny. Because even naturally serious people can learn to use humor -- no personality transplant required.
Meet Katie Munoz, an unexpected speaker who was born quiet and serious. She fell into public speaking by accident. Being a software engineer, she didn’t think humor and public speaking were skills she would need, but she loved the unforgettable adrenaline surge she experienced when she made an audience laugh. Her public speaking skills came into play when she became a program manager and was able to offer motivation, consolation, inspiration, and celebration, as the need arose. Fun Fact! One of her teams developed the first ever device driver for an SD card. Since that driver was later rolled into the Windows operating system, you have almost certainly used software she worked on! After leaving the world of software, she started a company called Moving Forward to help families get through life transitions after losing a family member. She called it - project management for human beings. After passing the torch of Moving Forward, Katie moved on to teaching public speaking and humor full time. She loves showing how even a naturally quiet, serious person can make their message memorable using humor, with no personality transplant required.