Rotary Meeting Minutes February 13, 2018
The meeting was called to order by President Steve Shinstrom at 6:30PM.
Dave Aubry led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Steve thanked John Pruitt and Rick Ostrander for manning the front desk and Dave Aubry for Scribing.
Visitors and Introductions:
Monica is here for her third visit. Rob DeCou is here from Los Angeles exploring the area and looking for an area to live in, as well as investigating Rotary. Hans Gunderson, CFO at the Port of Coos Bay, Oregon, is looking to move back to Redmond. Diana Landspa’s daughter, Jennifer, from Mississippi is visiting. And of course, are almost-member, Doug Seta of Seattle 4, is visiting again..
Nourishing Network boxes were packed by Rotarians this afternoon. We had committed to 10 boxes of food and provided 21 boxes. Nice article in Kirkland Views
Dave Aubry reported on progress on our Legacy Project on the Cross Kirkland Corridor, and that City Manager Kurt Triplett had specifically requested that the Club be thanked for proposing and contributing this project to the City of Kirkland.
Patty Sims announced that Miracle League starts April 21 at Perigo Park in Redmond, 10AM. She reminded us that the program requires volunteers to pair with the kids in order to work.
Rick Walter did Happy Dollars, extracting cash from a number of Rotarians.
Instead of a speaker, we had Classification Talks from three of our newest members.
Kay Griffith worked in her family’s print business for many years. When it was sold, she went into Real Estate where she has worked for the past 12 years.
Ambareen Jadi has three children. Wanted to be an accountant but soon discovered its inherent tedium and quickly changed fields to IT. She said that one result of coming to meetings at this Club is that she has had to upgrade her wardrobe. She now runs a development shop for T-Mobile with a staff of about 30. Managing people has resulted in her being able to use her well-developed parenting skills. She got involved in the morning Rotary Club in Kirkland as her kids have grown. Her hours of work have shifted making our Club more convenient for her. She remarked that studies have shown that there is a correlation between philanthropy and increased lifespan.
Joe Getzendanner has three kids and 2 dogs. Moved to the Eastside from Seattle. Grew up with four sisters. Rowed for Trinity College in the Northeast where his team went to the Henley in England. Used to sell for Tom’s of Maine on the west coast. While at Tom’s he traveled a lot and did lots of community service work. Still involved in various types of community service work and has now joined our Rotary Club. As he wanted to reduce his business travelling, he now works for a Redmond insurance company.
Here is link to the Video that didn't work that Joe wanted us to see.
President Steve adjourned the meeting at 7:28PM
Respectfully Submitted
Acting Scribe - David Aubry