Rotary Club of Kirkland

Monday, May 13, 2013 Meeting

President Patti Smith called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.  Patty Sims led the Pledge and Ernie Norehad provided an Inspirational Moment regarding beer (alcohol) and water (bacteria).

Guests include Nicole Shriver, our Student of the Month from Lake Washington High School, and James Nevers, a financial planner.  Today was Nicole’s Birthday so we all sang “Happy Birthday” to her.  James provided a factoid of his life: He lived for four years in Roswell, New Mexico.


·         Patty Sims thanked members for helping with Miracle League this last Saturday.  More volunteers are needed for next Saturday, May 18, and the final game on Saturday, May 25.  Chris Rusnak provided each

          table with a composite picture of all the Miracle League players.  Very well done, Chris!

·         Bob Webb would like all members to have their picture on the member section of our website.  Bob will provide a list of those missing a picture and Greeters can ask those members to ‘stand against the wall’  

          and have their picture taken by Chris Rusnak.

·         Jerry Campo announced that Monday, August 26, will be the Salmon Bake at Rick & Peggy Ostrander’s home.

·         Bill Taylor updated the members on the status of Chuck Brockway and Jason Bruner, and President Patti announced that Rick’s Mother, Jeanne Ostrander, recently passed away.


Rick Walters used humor to access quite a few Happy Dollars from members.  We are a “Happy” group, especially right after Mothers’ Day!

Chris Morgan introduced our speaker, Dr. Traci Pierce, the Superintendent of the Lake Washington School District.  Traci provided a lot of information about the State of the District, ranging from Accountability, Burgeoning enrollment to Community Support.  Some of the statistics provided were:

·         94% of students graduate on time with at least 22 credits

·         79% of graduates go on to college and university

·         Students from 6th to 12th grade receive a laptop or netbook for their own use

·         Current enrollment is 25,408 students

·         By 2021-22 enrollment is expected to be 29,693 students

·         Portable buildings are used for overflow at certain schools

·         Remodeling and building new schools is underway and will continue in the future

·         The current rate of assessment is $3.92/$1,000 of assessed home value

·         Expect to vote on a Bond and Levy proposal in February 2014

John Woodbery had the honor of drawing a card from the Joker Pool deck, but with 47 cards left he drew the three of hearts and received $10 for his effort.

President Patti adjourned the meeting at 7:45 PM.

Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week