President Scott Becker opened the Rotary Club of Kirkland meeting at 6:30. David Mutal did the pledge, and thanks to Terri Ebert and Jodi Long ran the front deck, and John Pruitt for greeting, and Jodi Long for scribing the meeting. Terry Cole did the inspirational moment
Brian Tucker- Asked for Volunteers this Friday for Teen Club. Be there at 5:30 to service pizza. Location is at the Kirkland Teen building near QFC and behind senior center.
Terry Cole- Need volunteers for Holiday Party. We need helpers for shopping with the kids, help to take down and set up. See sign up sheet for gift wrapping.
Joanne Primavera- Thank David Aubrey and Anna and the crew for coming to the tree house. Thanks to John Pruitt for handling coats for kids while she was gone. Donated over 1,000 coats. Kathy will make sure the coats get worn this winter.
Also see sign up sheet for bringing different food items or money for making baskets for Kirkland Nourishing Network. Bring items to next weeks meeting.
Please see the calendar for November and December at each table.
Let Joanne Primavera know if you are interested in walking at the HopeLink Turkey Trot. See sign up sheet. Rotary will pay for you to be in the turkey trot. The walk is this Sunday November 20th. 3 mile walk from Marina to Carillon Park. The duck should be represented. Meet up where the sailing club meet. Also we can sign up for bell ringing at the QFC.
Amy Mutal- Holiday party for the club on December 5th. Copy of the invitation was sent via. email and at your table. We have 30 RSVP's. 15 who have viewed and 15 who haven't opened it. Location is at Delille Chateau and catering by Laura.
Steve Shinstrom- sign up for scribe. sign up sheet is on each table.
Scott Becker- We have two new students Maya Short and Kala Nazaky both from Juanita Highschool. We will provide funding for their leadership weekend.
Don Dicks- Rotary foundation works will e guest speaker next week.
Jason Overleese- move the speaker for next week and Jodi Long and Terry Ebert will present next week.
Dave Dubious- Thanked Steve Shinstrom for Bunco.
Bob Webb- He is putting together PR for what our club does. Please take photos and write articles. Get more things into the site. Rick Walters sent out article for Tree House.
Student of the month- Varenna Knowles from Juanita Highschool. Here for the month of November. The last Monday of the month she will do the wrap up speech.
David Dubois- Introduced his wife Anna. Thanked Anna for being a reading buddy leader
Rick Walter did Happy Dollars.
Alice Volpe introduced the speaker Paul Osborne from Bellevue Breakfast Club chapter. Paul represents the Anti Malaria campaign.
Notes from Paul's presentation: Malaria- Collaborating to eradicate malaria. 1st he spoke about Polio. Rotary first got involved with Polio in 1917. Big initiative had to do with crippled children. As rotarians take children to clinics and hospitals. To have rotarians involved helped bring it out of the closet. There are many parallels between Malaria and Polio. Polio is resort of rising healthcare standards. Rotary formally got involved with Polio in 1985 and there was a huge decline of polio globally. Between 1985-1988 raised a $220 million.
Malaria it's affects are adverse. Disease also attacks children. It impairs cognitive development. Death's from 2011-2016 and declined tremendously. How Malaria is different from Polio. The vaccine is a live vaccine for polio. Malaria is a parasite. Hides in liver and grows. No vaccine for Malaria.
Paul is with the Rotarian Malaria Partners- they focus on Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania and Ethiopia. The vision is to eliminate malaria world wide.
Mission-to ignite the international Rotarian campaign for global eradication of malaria. How they will do this: Education, projects, adoption by RI as a strategic initiative after polio. Field projects, Rotarian partnerships, fund raising. Goal is to get all clubs participating.
Scott Becker- Meeting adjourned
Your scribe for a night Jodi Long