Posted by Mike Hunter on Nov 08, 2018
Rotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, November 5, 2018 Meeting
President Rick Walter called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.  Tricia Stromberg led us in the Pledge. 
Kyle Raychel, Student of the Month from Juanita High School
Cathy Silva, Silva Business Solutions, guest of Scott Becker
Kristin Olson, attorney from Kirkland
Sarah Smooots, assistant to our speaker, Elliott Neff
Jim Mennetti
  • Dave Aubry updated the Club on efforts to wipe out Polio, and he reminded us that November is Foundation Month.
  • Amy Mutal asked us to sign up for the Holiday Party at the Heathman at 6:00 PM on December 3rd. Free Valet parking is available, and wine & beer are included with our dinners.
  • Brandon Honcoop thanked everyone who helped with the Warm Coats project this year; three schools were included and over 100 coats were given to needy children.
  • David Mutal reminded us of the Holiday Gift Party on December 15th:  Shopping at Fred Meyer, breakfast, and a visit with Santa while the gifts are wrapped! Let David know where you want to help.
  • John Woodbery announced a work party at First Harvest in Kent this coming week-end, November 10th.  Meet at 8:00 AM at the Houghton Park and Ride for carpooling to Kent.  Work will be completed by 11:30 and we’ll have lunch!
  • Steve Shinstrom has postponed Bunco until the spring (it was set for December 1st).
Induction of New Member – Darcia Tudor
Jason Overleese introduced Darcia and gave a great overview of Rotary and the many projects Rotary is doing around the World. Please introduce yourself to Darcia and welcome her into our Club.
Elliott Neff is a chess national champion from our state, who has now extended the game of chess to help children succeed in life.  Elliott’s motto is “Win – Draw – Learn” and he founded “Chess4Life,” which exists to develop life skills through the game of chess.  His efforts have helped children as far away as Uganda and now he’s been invited to forums on the national stage. 
Elliott’s book is titled, “A Pawn’s Journey, Transforming Lives One Move at a Time.”
Thanks, Elliott, for a great program!
Joker Pool
President Rick won the drawing but, alas, didn’t draw the Joker.
After giving us a quote from Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris, President Rick adjourned the meeting at 7:30 PM.
Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week