Rotary Club of Kirkland
Monday, November 6, 2017 Meeting
President Steve Shinstrom called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Amy Mutal led us in the Pledge.
Madelyn Colantes – Student of the Month, Juanita High School
Claire Bruining
Patrick Hogan
Ambareen Jaddi & Bilal Jaddi (Ambareen’s son doing community service to become an Eagle Scout)
Patty Shinstrom
Sharon Hunter
- The food drive on October 30 resulted in 1,702 lbs. of food for Hopelink!
- Board Meeting, Thursday evening, November 9th
- Bunco at the Shinstrom’s home November 11th, “South of the Border” theme
- Meeting at Dub Pub for Seahawks game, Monday evening, November 20th Start time is 5:30. Nice fun social gathering to watch Hawks.
- Christmas Party at Lilac Café, December 11th at 6PM
- Christmas Party with Santa and the children, December 16th
- District Conference next April at the Tulalip in Marysville
- Return your Duck Dash tickets to Rick Ostrander
Honoring Veterans
Patrick Hogan, representing Suzan Del Bene, asked if there were any Vietnam veterans in our Club and several members raised their hands. For the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War, Suzan will provide these veterans with pins to honor their service. Suzan will have a ceremony at the VFW in Redmond this Friday (November 10) to award pins to veterans. If you cannot attend, contact Suzan Del Bene’s office.
Program – Emergency Preparedness
Patty Doherty introduced Helen Ahrens-Byington of the Kirkland Fire Department who spoke about preparing for natural disasters, especially earthquakes. The main message is to have a plan and prepare for these disasters. Kirkland has six fire companies on 24/7 and eight police officers on duty at any one time. In case of a disaster, you have to be prepared to take care of yourself! Securing cabinets (using furniture straps), childproofing cabinet doors, securing pictures (with Museum putty), and having leather gloves & boots handy in case of broken glass are essential to the preparation.
There are several programs available, such as “Mapping Your Neighborhood,” CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) classes, and King County Alerts, if you want to know more about preparing for an emergency.
Keith Oratz, President of Prepare Smart (“Sharing Our Passion for Preparedness”), completed the program with a demonstration of backpacks, and other emergency equipment you can purchase so you will be ready to go at a moment’s notice in case of an emergency. Keith offered 10% off the emergency equipment using “KRotary10” (case does not matter) when checking out from his on-line store.
Several handouts and emergency equipment were on display, even good stuff to bring home with us!
Thanks Helen and Keith for a timely and helpful program that we should take to heart and get prepared for an emergency.
President Steve adjourned the meeting at 7:40 PM with his usual humorous comment.
Submitted by Mike Hunter, Scribe for the Week