Rotary Minutes for Monday, October 24th 2016
President Scott Becker opened the meeting.  Diane Lanspa welcomed members to state the pledge.  Scott thanked Rich Bergdahl for manning the front desk and Jodi Long for being our greeter today. 
Elizabeth welcomed our student of the month Jorge Azpeitia and his family Jorge and Julia Aspeitia Sr.  Other guests at her table include Carol Glennon (teacher) and Melanie Artz (year book advisor) both teachers at Juanita High School.
Amy Mutal introduced Brenda Kaufman as her guest. Brenda is the manager of Columbia Athletic Club.  Jason introduced the CEO and CFO of the NW University.   Other guests included Doug Seto visiting us from Seattle 4.
Student of the month presentation : Jorge Azpeitia
Thank you to Rotary.  Jorge is 16 years old and was born at Evergreen Hospital.  When he was young his family moved back to Mexico where he started school early.  When he moved back to Kirkland he was very young and did not know English.  He and his brother were enrolled in an English as a Second language class and soon he had caught up with the other kids.  He still goes back to Mexico every couple of years to stay in touch with friends and relatives.
Jorge attending Robert Frost and Kamiakin.  He is a national honor society member and has a passion for photography.  He went to Conneticut over the summer to attend photography school and even started a small photography business.  He is head of the 2016 yearbook.  He attributes his success and positive attitude to his parents and teachers Carol Glennon and Melanie Artz.   Scott presented Jorge a duck. Rotary will donate 600 lbs of food to NW Harvest in his name.
Scott reminded Rotarians that October 24th is Rotary Polio Day.
December 5th:  Amy Mutal announced that the Kirkland Rotary annual holiday party will be at the Delille Chateau in Woodinville.  The party will take place on December 5th from 6-9pm in place of our regular meeting.   Details to follow
November 5th: is Bunco Night at the Shinstroms – Wear your red, white and blue in honor of our election year.
October 26: Warm Coats for kids.  We will be giving out 104 coats to kids at John Muir.  Event begins at 4:30 pm
Reading Buddies is about to get underway.  Pat Swenson is looking for reading buddies3rd and 4th graders for . If you can give some time out of your day to assist or if you need more information please contact Pat.
December 17th : Kids Breakfast with Santa.   Includes shopping at Fred Meyer afterword.  Sign up sheets are on the tables for volunteers to assist the kids. 
Elizabeth announced that she visited Tina Duce, at her home in Switzerland.  She is now married and a parent to 3 children.
We have an incoming exchange student for a short time (2 months).  The student will stay with another parent whose child is also an exchange student. 
New Member: Amy Mutal introduced Terri Ebert to the club as a new red badge member.  Scott will be her mentor and Joanne Primavera is her sponsor.  Rich provided a history of our club and we welcomed Terri to Kirkland Rotary.
Jason Overleese introduced the speaker for the evening. Dr. Joe Castleberry, President of NW University in Houghton.  Joe brought along John Jordan  - CFO,  Architect – Eric Drivdahl, Consultant - Betty Spieth-Croll and Consultant - Sarah Langton.   N W University is nationally ranked as a premier regional university with great value. 
Joe outlined the 3 areas of their master plan revision
  1. Update the buildings (20 year plan)
  2. Share assets with the community
  3. Continue to be a part of the Houghton community in appearance and pride
Future expansion includes 3 new feature buildings and 3 building expansions.   Additional campus improvements include the chapel remodel, revamped underground parking and improved athletic fields.  There will be modifications on height limits on older buildings.  The school plans to clarify their enrollment cap at 1200 on sight students and build on the non – traditional student.  Non-traditional students include online, evening, extension students, and church partners.  The non-traditional student count is expected to reach 4,000.  The school is looking at green alternatives including green spaces and solar panels. 
To comment about the expansion please send comments to Project Planner Tony Leavitt  The project number is ZON16-02063.  To learn more you can go to  
Scott presented a duck and 600 1bs of food donated to NW Harvest in Dr. Joe Castleberry’s name.  
Meeting was adjourned.