Each year the Rotary Club of Kirkland gathers its membership around the spirit of holiday giving, and the club’s core value of service to others before self.  As the coronavirus pandemic upended plans for the club’s traditional holiday gift giving party for needy children in the Kirkland community, Rotarians decided that the tradition of helping our community through the holidays had to continue, and created the holiday gift project.  In cooperation with the Lake Washington School District, 111 family members were identified for holiday gift-giving, and are looking forward to Rotarians’ generosity of treasure, talent, and time this month.

The seasonal donation frenzy began with a $1,500 challenge grant offered by Rotarian Terry Cole during the club’s December 7 meeting, a $1,000 contribution from Eric Shinstrom’s Amazon work group, and $1,000 from the Auslander family.  Rotarians lept to the challenge, raising a little over $12,000 for the gift shopping for needy children and their families.
After shopping for gifts, safely, and preparing presents, safely, Rotarians will participate in delivering packages, safely, on December 22 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Rotarians may still donate to the children’s gift fund through the Rotary Club of Kirkland’s online DONATE page.  Be sure to select Holiday Gifts when submitting credit card information.  Please email Dave DeBois with questions, to volunteer, or if you want to donate a check to the club at Banner Bank, 201 Park Lane, Kirkland.