Have you ever wondered how many people receive our club bulletin, the Spokesman?  Or how many people actually open the Spokesman when it arrives?  Through the work of Rotarians Steve Shinstrom and Gary Cohn, the Spokesman has been converted to ClubRunner’s new “bulletin wizard” and, starting back in June, began looking a bit different from past editions.  The ClubRunner system automatically formats the bulletin and still adds a variety of information stored in our club files.  It also stores past editions on a special Bulletins page designed for archiving these publications.  The archive page can be reached through a “pull-down” menu item under the “News” heading on the home page, or by clicking on the small “Bulletins” icon in the “Club Information” box at the top of the club’s home page.
ClubRunner also tracks failed deliveries, which occur because of email rejections and spam filtering.  For the 54 members in June and July, all but two appear to be accepting emails (which includes the Spokesman).  ClubRunner reports data about the number of email rejections, and the number of members who open the Spokesman (which means downloading the content).  During the past two months, about 55% of club members typically open the Spokesman.  Here are the statistics for the number of recipients who opened the past several editions.
July 27, active members, 56% opened, 0% errors, 52 sent (2 unsent)
July 27, non-members, 29% opened, 2% errors, 89 sent
July 20, active members, 60% opened, 0% errors, 52 sent (2 unsent)
July 20, non-members, 24% opened, 2% errors, 89 sent
July 13, active members, 55% opened, 0% errors, 51 sent (2 unsent)
July 13, non-members, 34% opened, 1% errors, 91 sent
July 6, active members, 55% opened, 0% errors, 51 sent (2 unsent)
July 6, non-members, 35% opened, 2% errors, 90 sent
June 29, active members, 65% opened, 0% errors, 51 sent (2 unsent)
June 29, non-members, 40% opened, 1% errors, 91 sent
Beginning with the June 29 edition, the Spokesman was sent first to members, and then to non-members (i.e., inactive, friends, subscribers).  Over the month of June, several defunct email addresses were removed, and other blocking problems solved.
Hopefully, we’ll be able to rely on ClubRunner and the Spokesman for more club news in the future.  So, if you know someone isn’t receiving the Spokesman, please let Steve or Gary know.  If you have a short article for the Spokesman, please send it to them as well.