In February, the club's board of directors formally established sub-committees for what is now the Rummage Sale Committee: the operations team, volunteer team, finance team, food team, and the technology and marketing team. The aim of these teams is to capitalize on and coordinate Rotarians’ and other volunteers' skills to successfully mount the new rummage sale project. All club members are encouraged to contribute to the effort. For those who haven't already signed up to volunteer on one or two teams, the links below will take you to the sign-up screens. Those who have volunteered will receive email confirmations later today.
Rotarians may find a description of each team and general information about the project on the Rummage Sale Committee page of the club's website. This page may be accessed on the drop-down "Committees" menu on the club's website home page.
A link to volunteer for each of the five rummage sale teams may be found on that Rummage Sale Committee page. Club members may view the make-up of teams using the new Rummage Sale Teams matrix by selecting the item of that name on the "Members" drop-down menu on the home page. The matrix is updated periodically in response to volunteer sign-ups.