Student of the Month December 2023
Lake Washington High School
As a scholar and athlete, Brooke Lewis devotes her time to being impactful within her community. A senior at Lake Washington High School, Brooke is a Feminist Club officer, a member of National Honors Society, and a panel member for Kang Connections, a student founded and run peer-to-peer mental health organization. Branching beyond her school community, Brooke is a 2023-2024 National Alliance for Mental Illness Eastside Youth Ambassador. This opportunity grants her a platform to increase mental health literacy within the greater Eastside community. Additionally, Brooke is a competitive gymnast. This commitment and aspect of her identity gives her the necessary avenues to become a role model for young athletes within the state of Washington, leading her to win several state titles and a state-wide character award. Brooke has combined her passions for gymnastics and mental health and is excited to see where these programs and opportunities lead her during her senior year. As Brooke looks to college, she is anxiously awaiting this new chapter of her life to make lasting memories and learn about diverse topics within the STEM field.